video games


Question by  priyaragunath (36)

How do I copy games from my X-Box 360 to my hard drive?


Answer by  Binome (1975)

You can't. That's a violation of copyright, as well as something the XBox 360 simply isn't designed to do be able to do.


Answer by  BigKevinG (59)

if i remember correctly you have to go to the dashboard of the xbox 360 and make sure your game is in the drive then go to my xbox highlight the game press the y button and there should be something that says install game to drive


Answer by  67565fsdf (67)

Insert the game. If this starts your game automatically, navigate back to the 360 Dashboard. Find the tab that shows the game in the drive. Hit Y to open the options to that tab. This should open a new menu that lets you play the game, rate it, find downloadable content, and install it to the hard drive.

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