


Question by  miso (22)

How do I care for a dracaena massangeana?


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

Every 7-10 days water if the soil is dry to the touch. Water about 1" down, placing the water close to the bottom of individual canes. While resistant to bugs, they can become infected. If so, use a water and dish soap mixture.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

This dracaena requires low light and low water. Wipe leaves regularly with a damp cloth, they tend to accumulate dust. This plant is PRIME for removing pollutants from your environment. They are comfortable best at 75 degrees give/take. Dracaena are sensitive to flouride, so you may want to use bottled water, but they DETEST over watering.


Answer by  King7 (35)

This type of plant thrives best in low light. It does not require a lot of water so allow the soil to dry between watering.

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