

Question by  Sara64 (113)

How do cell phone towers work?


Answer by  tuppyqueen (311)

most cell phone towers are connected to a public telephone network. When you place your call the system determines whether or not the call can be completed by either bouncing it between towers or carrying it to the recipents tower through a wired network. Any call that passes thru more than 3 towers would be carried thru wires


Answer by  mohan (96)

The switch is a big sucker that sits back at the central office, Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO). There are also Base Station Controllers (BSC) which house a lot of the intelligence in the system. The switch just handles billing and connection to other phone systems like land line and other network in other area.


Answer by  Chris49 (44)

A cell phone sends a signal to the nearest tower when you make a call, your phone sends a message via radio waves that are picked up by the antenna array. A wire or fiberoptic line carries the call down to be connected to a multi port and the call goes through.


Answer by  generi (25)

Cell phone towers broadcast a signal to all cell phones in range of the tower. The cell phone sends a signal back to the tower to let the cell network know where the cell phone is. When someone makes a call to the cell phone, the network sends the call to the correct tower.

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