mental health


Question by  Chris43 (32)

How can you get help for people to hurt themselves?


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Generally speaking unless the person is a minor, he or she has the right to say "no" to therapy or treatment. It is a good idea to let the person know that you are there for them. Encourage them to seek therapy but make sure that they know that you love and support them as they are.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Go to emergency if it's a serious injury. Find a psychologist, counselor, or mental health clinic in your area. Try to get an appointment as soon as possible.


Answer by  ncdaisygirl (175)

They have to be able to identify the triggers that cause them to hurt themselves, and be able to replace the negative behavior with a less harmful behavior.


Answer by  Doomstoned (1454)

Addresing this question requires first establishing what exactly is meant by saying, "hurt themselves". Making such a determination would involve using moral judgment and of course, moralities tend to vary among different people and therefore, what might be considered "hurtful" to one, could be a source of joy for another.

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