

Question by  sean (141)

How can I transfer songs from itunes to an mp3 player?


Answer by  swizz (390)

In order for you to transfer it to an mp3 player you must convert the file into an mp3 format or any file format that your mp3 player supports.


Answer by  Echo (229)

Transferring songs is a relatively easy process. You just use the USB cable that came with your ipod, plug it into the USB drive on your computer while you have Itunes open. At this point all the songs in the library will be transferred into your Ipod. When it finished the program will say "Ipod Sync Complete."


Answer by  badimojo (45)

If your mp3 player is an iPod, the transfer process is quite simple. Just click on the music button under the list on the left-hand side of the screen. Then select the music you would like to add to your player. Finally, drag the selected songs to your iPod icon, which is on the left-hand side under 'players. '


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

if you transfer songs from itunes to mp3 player, first you change the format. go to download. com, then download the all in converter then convert all the itunes to mp3 songs. then easily the itunes converted in to mp3 songs. you will change any kind of format in the all in converter software.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

You can buy a piece of software that will translate the songs into a format your mp3 player will read. Use a search engine and search for "itunes songs to mp3 player." The trial version may only translate the first couple of minutes of the song but you can use the trial version to make sure the quality is good.


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

I tunes is what is called a closed system. Essentially this means, I Tunes will only work with an apple brand music player or an Ipod. Itunes uses a format called MP4s that can only be played on ipods. If you have an ipod, simply hook it up with a USB cord and they will sync to one another.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Enter the itunes application and then select the songs you would like to transfer on to the device. Be sure to select the device from the menu. Then transfer the songs.


Answer by  Kyuss (21)

Itunes only work with an Ipod. You make sure you have installed Itunes with the installation disk. Then you plug the cord in the bottom of the Ipod and into a USB port in your computer. Itunes should automatically come up, if not use the short cut on your desktop. Drop songs into the playlist, and "syncrnize".


Answer by  Kayla (144)

You have to plug in your Ipod first with the USB cord. Then you have to make sure that the songs that you want on your Ipod are in your library section and then you can just click on the Ipod icon on the side and drag the songs from your library to your Ipod.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well basically you transfer your songs to the mp3 player application and then plug your mp3 player and connect for transfer.


Answer by  ShayanFCB (366)

Connect your MP3 player to your computer and open up the folder on your MP3 player and drag the songs from your itunes to your mp3 player. Do not transfer mp4 songs, as they will not play on your mp3 player

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