- Short Answers



Question by  rowan71 (48)

How can I tell if a women is a lesbian?


Answer by  Jenny84 (14)

There is no way you can ever "tell" someone's sexual orientation simply by looking at them -- sometimes you might not even be able to tell someone's sexual orientation by being friends with them! The best way to tell is simply by asking! You can learn a lot that way.


Answer by  bean28 (6)

Not all lesbians are the same and you can't tell if someone is one just by looking. Most appear just like heterosexuals,wear makeup, and may dress in traditional womanly ways. Notice how she refers to people. If she talks about men a lot, in an interested sort of way, then she is most likely not a lesbian!


Answer by  firefighter38310 (430)

i was married before and my ex. is bi and probably lesbian. we get along fine. it wasnt anything i did or didnt do for her. i never had a clue till our divorce and it was over financial not sexual reasons. she was a hottie in bed

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