

Question by  thepeedoctor (23)

How can I start a non-profit dance company?


Answer by  patti (29325)

First you need a detailed business plan. 92% of failed businesses have no business plan. Once you get up and running, including a Board of Directors, you must file Form 990 with the IRS. You must include lots of info about the organization, including publications, Board, etc. Details are at the IRS website.


Answer by  Tracy74 (229)

The best thing to do is get a lawyer to draft articles of incorporation and get tax exempt status for you dance company.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to start up your dance company, you are going to have to get a business license then open up at a location.


Answer by  lorddryst (74)

The easy way would be going around to your local churches in your area. Ask them if at all possiable they can help you with your request.


Answer by  mlucas (515)

First you need a business plan which will include expect expenses and expected revenues from donations. Then you have to file form 1023 with the IRS and additional state forms.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Hire a hall and post some fliers through peoples letter boxes in the area. Advertise in your local paper what the dance is about and costs.

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