

Question by  Eric15 (20)

How can I prepare my child for acting auditions and plays?


Answer by  anjeldream (86)

You can make a game of "remembering." Start out with a short list of simple words that the child needs to repeat. Continue to add words to this list. This will help with the child remembering lines. The more adults the child can talk to will help with his/her maturity and social ability which will help with interactions during auditions.


Answer by  lakshmi (196)

the child should given a positive approach that she has a good tone and she can resemble a character easily.she must be taken to stage shows,music contests, and plays in orderto build a confidence in them.they should attend music and audition classes regularly to get used.


Answer by  CrystalEg (500)

Help make sure your child knows what is required of him in an audition. Help him/her find an appropriate audition piece and study it. For the main play make sure you have a copy of the script and sufficient time to aid in practicing.


Answer by  Caryn85 (418)

The best way to help your child in an audition is to make sure they feel comfortable in front of others and are always getting encouragement. Have a little performance of whatever at home and invite over close family friends to help your child feel empowered.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Teach pronunciation and voice modulation.When this is done teach facial expression for the dialogue delivery.Teach timing in delivering the dialogue.The child for any reason should not turn away from the audiance too often.Lip movements should be given attention.Body language is very importent in stage performence.

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