

Question by  KathyM (20)

How can I fix an interior door that won't stay open?

I don't want to have to use a door stop just to keep my bedroom door open.


Answer by  Skiz (56)

This is generally fixed by making sure your door hinges are plumb and adjusting them so that they are all directly vertical. This can be achieved by shimming or adjusting the hinge position.


Answer by  Anonymous

Bend the top hinge pin then put it back in, works every time!


Answer by  Tommy51 (27)

you may need to reposition the door hinges... that or you may need to put a jam for the hinges to tilt the door back to equilibrium. That is what I would say


Answer by  becki (229)

More than likely it is the hinge on the door that is causing the problems. It could be either too tight or too loose. If the door swings closed quickly, then the hinge may be too tight. You can adjust the hinges, or try some lubricating spray to see if that will loosen it up a bit.


Answer by  mangosteen (272)

In addition to tension-hinges that calcutta described, there are door catches that you could use. these mount on the wall and catch the door and hold them in the open position. You have to tug a little when you want to remove it from the catch to close.


Answer by  calcutta (168)

They make hinges with springs inside the mechanism. There is a little pin that allows you to control the tension, so it can be held open with a lot of force or just a weak force. You only need to replace one of your existing hinges with a springloaded one.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

The balance on your door could be off. Try attaching weights far away from the hinge to your door, or hammering on the top of the hinges a bit. A hook could work too.


Answer by  cash (3)

You could try pading the hinges with a thin pc. of cardboard unscrew hing a little add cardboard then screw back try the bottom only first see if it helps then add a little more to bottom then a thin pc to middle check hing side of door for level


Answer by  Anonymous

Be sure the hinge pins are all the way in!


Answer by  Anonymous

The crescent wrench bend==The only easy meathod and it takes 2 minutes to accomplish. With the pin still in place, seat and tighten a 10 inch crescent wrench virtically overlapping the head of the pin and top curl of the hinge. Pull the wrench toward the jamb (away from door)

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