

Question by  boonieyates (39)

How can I make my computer Windows XP?


Answer by  jisha (39)

Buy an original version of Windows XP package. Set the boot device priority to CD/DVD ROM by pressing F2. Now it will automatically boot your system from CD/DVD.


Answer by  Tammy (585)

You can easily downgrade to an earlier version if you have Windows Vista by reinstalling the older operating system from the original disk. If it is an upgrade, there are several copies of XP still readily available at most major electronics and office supply stores. It is a very simple process of putting the disk in and following directions.


Answer by  Erph (22)

Purchase a Windows XP OS Disk and then start your computer up and boot from the optical drive after doing so you, install the OS and enter the product key.


Answer by  deepak123cse (17)

You have to purchase the Windows XP operating system first. After that insert the disk in your computer's CD drive and reboot the system. Then follow the instructions.

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