human body


Question by  leeleebug (2)

How can I love my body if I am overweight?


Answer by  princessbiz92 (13)

It is very hard for one to accept their body whether they are overweight underweight or of normal weight. What you need to do, is look in the mirror and choose the good qualities about yourself. Also, if you really dislike it, maybe going on a healthy diet would help you feel good inside and outside.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

Loving your body is more complicated than just your weight. It involves your self- esteem, body weight, views about body image, and overall health.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You can always try to diet and exercise. You have to be ok with every part of you, I think there are many people out there who wish they looked like models. That is just not realistic in any way shape or form. Realize that you are unique and there is no one like you out there.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

Weight actually has very little to do with self esteem. I'm around 250 lbs. but I also think I'm beautiful. To be honest I can be vain sometimes. I've also known skinny comparatively attractive people who hated their bodies. It's all about perception. Just act beautiful and you are. Seriously.

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