
 pests  yard


Question by  TabethaIrwin (7)

How can I kill bahia grass in my yard?

or is it bahiagrass?


Answer by  eason (11)

MSMA will kill bahia grass, Dupont Cimeron will do the job also. These two maybe be hard to find unless you are close to a farm supply store. Image crabgrass killer will also control bahia grass. Lowes has it.


Answer by  eason (11)

MSMA when used as labeled will kill bahiagrass


Answer by  RazorMK (59)

bahia grass will have a seedhead 1-2'.And if you get bahia in fescue, there is no herbicide to control it,you have to kill the area and reseed.


Answer by  AnkurMohta (114)

1. Complete physical removal of the plants along with its root, otherwise it will re-grow. 2. Don't allow it to go to seed because it can go to seed in only a few days, requiring constant mowing. 3. By using chemicals.

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