

Question by  Dana46 (2345)

How can I help anger in babies?


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

A lot of time anger comes from not being able to communicate. Try teaching the baby sign language so that he or she can express what is wanted.


Answer by  Muthulakshmijoshma (51)

Anger reveals their bad deeds.At that time just leave them or try to distract them.But don't shout and make them angry much.Everything will be alright then.


Answer by  buggy418 (632)

Babies need to be warm, feel loved, be kept dry, and be kept full. If all of these needs are met and they are still angry, they may have colic.


Answer by  gummie (738)

Babies usually become angry when they can't get their own way. Avoid unnecessary situations that cause anger but ignore the temper tantrum for situations which are unavoidable.

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