

Question by  andrewschon (37)

How can I get started in participating in arm wrestling tournaments?


Answer by  Chrissie (266)

Contact your local arm wrestling association. Google "arm wrestling" plus the name of your state or province and you should be able to find a local chapter. They usually have tournament listings on their websites, as well as contact info and eligibility.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

Look in the newspaper for advertisements for tournaments. Go to places like bars or pool halls. They may be of help. You just have to hit the pavement and get out there. You have to get your name out just like any other sport.


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

The best way would be to practice, first by maybe throwing your own tournament with your friends. This would allow you make some money and be ready for a real one. Try googling strong man competitions or fairs in your area as there are often tournaments there.


Answer by  mlucas (515)

There are websites out there dedicated to this purpose while I cannot disclose them it is an easy search that you can do yourself.


Answer by  chris70 (301)

To participate in arm wrestling competitions I would suggest going on the internet and find the national arm wrestling federation and look at their wrestling schedules.

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