

Question by  rl4man (17)

How can I get signed into a record deal?


Answer by  wehadthought (391)

Send demos to record labels with a reputation for taking on new talent. Do your research carefully and include a cover letter, photograph of yourself and at least three songs on CD. Also perform at as many open mic events as you can in major cities.


Answer by  bpmock (140)

First thing you have to do is get very good at whatever instrument it is that you play. Next find like minded individuals that have the same goals as you do (that way no one is holding you back). Lastly, perform any chance you can possibly get.


Answer by  AmirLuskyTinyBoy (229)

The best way is to get a good following at live shows and also get your music into the right hands. Seeking proper management will help achieve this goal. Be careful not to take a crappy deal because the record company is in a power position.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

You have to start with making a demo tape with your music on it and start sending it to record companies so they can listen to it and see if they like your style of music! Send the demo to as many places as possible so it makes your chances of getting discovered greater!


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You have to make yourself known in the music world. Get some demos on there and create a myspace page with your music on it. Send your demos to record companies and maybe someone will like your music enough to sign you.

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