

Question by  Jim (20)

How can I get rid of a black eye in one day?


Answer by  Anonymous

You can't in one day. Put ice on it first (ice pack), after a day change from cold to hot, a wet hot towel will work, then massage around your eye to get your blood flowing.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Put something cold on the eye such as cucumber slices for twenty minutes. A raw red meat is suppose to be good or some ice. Witch hazel brings out bruising.


Answer by  msdee (24)

Gently press your fingers around the black eye area to get blood moving. Then apply square cotton pad with cold Witch Hazel on it.


Answer by  CindyLouWho (14)

Leeches will take care of your black eye. Bruises occur when blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. A leech will remove this blood and leave you bruise free in minutes.


Answer by  gummie (738)

A black eye is caused by a bruise. It's impossible to get rid of it in one day. To make it less noticeable, apply a make-up concealer.


Answer by  Anonymous

put ice on it to make the swelling go down. then put a warm/hot towel on it to hel[ the flow of blood start up again nd take the bruise/black eye away


Answer by  Anonymous

put T bone steak or anykind of raw meat over your black eye


Answer by  jocelyn1 (4)

Use Witch Hazel does clean and soothes and help take away the swelling. and oh oh so soothing. the black eye takes time however switch hazek does make it feel better.


Answer by  Anonymous

all you guys suck i got a black eye from a fight and i did all you guys said and 2 weeks passed and its still there


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

You can't. It takes about a week to get rid of a black eye, it will fade from black to yellow and then go away.


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

Only time heals a black eye. But warm compress and witch hazel pads help also


Answer by  Anonymous

any more ideas?? i really need help everyone is making fun of me!!!

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