how to


Question by  afton53 (31)

How can I get a career in espionage?

I want to be James Bond.


Answer by  John (9008)

James Bond does not really exist. If you seriously want to pursue a career in espoinage, though, the best place to start is by joining the military. You can opt for intelligence work when you enlist. Afterwards, you will probably need to get a college education and then apply with the agency of your choice.


Answer by  penrose (235)

If you are interested in the glamor of the position that is often portrayed in movies, I'm afraid that you might be disappointed. You'll have a better shot if you are more realistic about what the job entails (like most jobs, it is not all fun and games).


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Apply to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). 2. Apply to a corporate intelligence, also known as competitive analyst, position. 3. Go into IT security, and then be paid to try to hack and otherwise test the security software of existing computer systems.

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