home improvement


Question by  radiantrachel (39)

How can I clean a water stain on my ceiling?


Answer by  Keith (130)

You cannot clean a water stains. You have to take care of the source of the water leak first. pull away all of the paper and repaper. Once you have done this, apply your white primer paint and then repaint with the original color. You may need to add several coats of paint and repaint your ceiling.


Answer by  ilango (226)

In one method you can paint it over red oxideto seal and use your choice paint over there.otherwise you can use the vinegar to remove stain. use the spray can filled with vinegar and spray on stain smoothly. leave it for some time.then you use the soft cloth and cleaned the stain. please only use soft cloth only


Answer by  Amom (701)

Once you fix the leak and it's only a water stain. It's fairly easy fix. To repair it, first wipe down the area with a little bleach solution and let it dry for 24 hours. This will kill any mildew or mold that has grown. Once it's dry then prime and paint the area.


Answer by  Kris (797)

Unfortunately, you can't really clean a water stain away. You have to cover it up. First you need to be sure the source of the water is gone. Then make sure the area is totally bone dry. Apply Kilz primer to the stain, or it will come right back. Paint over it. For drop ceilings, replace the tiles affected.


Answer by  Bernard (69)

You can not clean a water stain on a ceiling. The ceiling has to be painted over, or if you have atitle ceiling, the title has to be replaced. While your doing that I would look for where the water is coming from. You may have a leak in your roof.

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