

Question by  jens (40)

How can I be sure I am jogging the correct way?


Answer by  GeorgesBataille (59)

The only way to be sure that you are jogging correctly is to be under the care of a doctor while using any exercise program. You should see positive results like an increased calorie burn without suffering injury. Stretch and warm up to avoid difficulty.


Answer by  mcsaripkin (73)

Always make sure that you have stretched before jogging. When jogging, if you experience sharp pains in your calves or shins, then you are not jogging correctly. Do more stretches next time. If pain persists, check with a physician before returning to jogging.


Answer by  Daigle83 (66)

Everyone has their own style of jogging or running. Do what feels comfortable to you. You should be concern only if you being to experience injuries and you believe it's form related.


Answer by  lexilou33 (14)

Make sure you are not stomping your feet .


Answer by  Colin (20)

If you're legs are moving one in front of the other in a rapid manner with a slight heavy breath, along with your arms moving back and forth you would be jogging correctly.

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