human body


Question by  happystarfruit (29)

How can an electrical impulse control your heart?

How does that work?


Answer by  hubbard (34)

Cells within the SA node (sinoatrial) are the pacemaker for the heart. It is located in the upper right quadrant of the heart known as the right atrium. They generate regular, spontaneous action potentials brought on by changes in ion channels. As calcium, potassium, and to a lesser extent sodium ions flow through these channels, they generate a electrical impulse.


Answer by  rrogers (68)

There are ion channels in your heart that open and close in response to the electrical impulse. It is movement of these ions into the cells that makes them contract.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

An electrical impulse will cause the muscles in your heart (your heart is a muscle, after all) to contract and relax. This is why you should always test a wire with the back of your hand - if you use the palm and the wire is live, the current will cause your hand to contract and clutch the wire.


Answer by  sailoryue (853)

its because in a way your heart runs on electrical impulses. the synapses from your brain through your body is not just physical but also electrical.

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