Can a store dock your pay for merchandise that is broken?
Do you need a mouse pad when you use a laser mouse?
How do you care for a baby field mouse?
How do you move layers in photoshop with your mouse?
Is an Emerson ipod dock reliable?
What can I do if my mouse is hanging up at times while I work on my computer?
What is the value of my original Mickey Mouse watch?
books time
Question by emosara17 (1)
Answer by malone (4817)
"The clock struck one. The mouse ran down."
Answer by jwalk (389)
The old nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock" states that the mouse ran down the clock when the clock struck one. I believe it means 1 a.m.
Answer by jessgirl2 (319)
In the full version of the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock", the mouse runs down the clock at each hour from one until noon - a verse for each hour.
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