shoes & footwear


Question by  a75 (12)

Have you ever bought Tecnica shoes?

What is your opinion?


Answer by  sobroke79 (126)

If you are looking to perform hard in sports, be it from skiing or any other competitive sports, the Tecnica shoes will give you more for your money. Made in Italy there are many colors to choose from. The shoes have a guaranteed warranty of one year from the date of purchase against any manufacturer's defects.


Answer by  Blister (11)

I have never bought Tecnica shoes and so my opinion on them isn't valid for most people. I do have the belief that Tecnica is a strange brand name with an air of "amateur" about it, mainly because you would normally say "Tech" rather than "Tec".


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

I run track and I decided to buy some Tecnica shoes. I don't know if it's related but I started to run way faster with the new shoes. My Friend told me he'd never seen anything like it!


Answer by  BeefStrule (690)

I had the worst experience with these shoes! It wasn't really the fault of the shoes but I'll never get another pair! Basically, I bought them to go to this party and it turned out that my friend has the exact same pair! Talk about embarrassing! I got over it but it took a lot of therapy.

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