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Question by  talisa (137)

Does Yahoo have good ringtones?


Answer by  imkboiscrie113 (252)

some phones will only accept ringtones purchased through the company which you pay for your service. the sites i have found that are completely free are and . you should always make sure your phones compatable with ringtones from outside sources first.


Answer by  killerjonam (143)

yes there are many good selections, but unfortunately there are way too many ads on that site which causes one to lose interest in their ringtones.


Answer by  Gracia (11)

Yahoo doesn't have a good ring tones, unlike the mobile phones. Yahoo only has two sounds if If I am not mistaken. The yahoo sounds which a guy was yelling and the one is just a beep sound. I often use yahoo but the sounds that I use is just a beep not ring tone. I like yahoo so much.

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