health conditions


Question by  nonameuser (11)

Does vinegar kill head lice?

How do you apply it?


Answer by  Milette4 (900)

It does not kill the lice but it loosens the nits from the hair. After shampooing, rinse with undiluted vinegar.


Answer by  Lornah (282)

Yes and no. Yes because the concentration of acid in vinegar is capable of killing lice and also no because the concentration of acid in vinegar can not kill very healthy lice but the unhealthy ones. The solution is to visit a pharmacy and purchase appropriate medication for killing lice.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

Apply warm vinegar all over scalp using cotton. Wear shower cap. Wait for 30mins. Dip nit comb in vinegar and comb. Wash hair with vinegar. Repeat this for 5 days.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

It doesn't kill the lice, but will loosen the nits. Pour apple cider vinegar over hair. Let the hair dry and keep the vinegar on over night. Rinse the vinegar out of the hair and comb out the nits with a nit comb. Keep combs clean. This remedy does not always work.

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