

Question by  Marsholio (79)

What are ways to prevent head lice?

Now that school is in I am very worried my children will get head lice.


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

caution your kids not to share a hairbrush or comb. when playing, dont get their hair near other childrens hair. theres really not much you can do. its up to the parents to prevent their children from coming to school with lice. also, check your childs hair each night.


Answer by  slkunz2003yahoocom (836)

Head lice is a sad fact of life in public schools. Tell children NOT to share combs or brushes, not to wear another child's hat and not to share their hat. Do a spot check at bath time (check nape of neck first for nits) and hang in there!


Answer by  lkstar (114)

Try using a special head lice shampoo. tell your kids not to share combs or hats with other kids. you could buy them a special comb so that it would decrease the odds of them sharing it with other kids. you could also explain how head lice spreds from other kids.


Answer by  JM (125)

Head lice can be countered by daily bathing and using shampoos that have properties that protect against such annoying lice. Advise your children also to maintain good hair hygiene.

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