

Question by  notorious (249)

Does snoeshowing burn lots of calories?


Answer by  mb (5482)

Snoesshowing uses a lot of calories. You are going to work a lot of muscle groups that don't normally get used, especially your quads, abs and calfs. Snoeshowing is intense cardio, the closest thing to it would be using the stairmaster. Make sure you streatch first and take frequent breaks.


Answer by  Jane42 (201)

Snowshoeing can burn almost fifty per cent more calories than walking or running. Hilly terrain, powdery snow, and a faster pace can burn even more calories.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Snowshoeing can be a great aerobic exercise and a great way to burn calories. The exact amount depends on the length of time you snowshoe, the distance and how hard you work.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Yes, this is one of the winter sports that is know for burning alot of calories. But you need to have a strong heart to do this in the winter and snow. This is as exhausting as shoveling snow. So be sure to tell your doctor what you plan is.

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