

Question by  worker2173 (173)

Does love messages on your husbands cell text mean he is cheating?


Answer by  ahhmericanwoman (102)

Love messages on your spouse's phone would definitely be disturbing! Was he sending the messages or just receiving them? If just receiving, it could be someone interested in him, but their feeling are not reciprocated. I would suggest you have an honest conversation with him about it.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

Most probably it shows that he is not serious about your relationship,and he has a very close girlfriend, but cheating depends on the detailed situation.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

If the text messages contain words of love to somebody other than you, then you can believe he is cheating. If these message appear, do not be deceived he is playing around on you.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

In most cases it does. If he's got a woman texting him on his cellphone saying she loves him then it's not a good sign. Confront your husband. If he's cheating, leave him. You deserve so much more than that.


Answer by  rubster (1)

It depends on your definition of cheating. If your definition is "seeing someone else" then maybe. He could be just flirting or he may actually be "doing it".

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