
 email  money  phone


Question by  reva (15)

Does it cost money to email to a phone?


Answer by  ellie61 (478)

It should not cost money to send an e-mail from a computer to a phone. However, it may cost the recipient money to retrieve it.


Answer by  NIB (42)

You can send an email from a pc to anywhere, including cellphones, for free. But there will probably be some cost for the cell phone receiver of the email.


Answer by  koplay (16)

Most if not all cell phone providers charge a fee either per email or monthly for email and internet services.


Answer by  drJ (841)

It doesn't cost you money to send an e-mail to someone's cell phone. But depending on their messaging plan, they may have to pay to read it.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Typically yes it does. It usually requires that you either pat per data used or purchase a unlimited data usage plan to receive emails.


Answer by  Eddy69 (73)

Depends. If you do via wap, then you need pay for wap. If you want to send email directly like sms, then I dont know, but I think it is posibble.


Answer by  Kaye (168)

It depends on your phone and plan. Mine won't let me do it because it doesn't have a data plan but it is wi-fi enabled. Whenever I can get a connection then I can email anybody through accessing my personal yahoo account but not from the inbox of my phone that my provider has provided me when I purchased it.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well it doesn't cost anything for you to send and email to a phone but it will charge the person that receives it typically. This is usually a data charge either to access their email or to receive a text message.

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