


Question by  jems (194)

Does Betagen topical spray work well for dogs?


Answer by  twconroy (148)

Betagen topical spray give excellent relief to dogs very quicky, it stays on the dog well and seems to do all that it supposed to. Dogs also seem not to mind the smell or feel of it on their coat and skin.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It will work wel for the dog as long as the dog doesn't have an allergic reaction to it other wise you will need to contact the vet for something else that you can have that will work as effectively you can also do a net search that can give you a bunch of informastion.


Answer by  Geez (224)

Betagen stays on dogs coat longer and hence the best topical antiseptic spray. The good part is they dogs don't smell or feel the spray.


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Betagen is a topical antiseptic spray that is used to treat superficial lesions. It contains an antibiotic called Gentamicin and an anti inflammatory called betamethasone. Depending on the type of wound a dog has, determines if it will work. The bacteria must be able to be killed by gentamicin.


Answer by  Stephanie93 (22)

Betagen does wonders for my dogs when they get hot spots in the summer. It's great for sensitive dogs with allergies as well. It keeps the swelling and itching down while it heals them.


Answer by  LenaRenneker (210)

Betagan spray is useful for dogs because it is rapidly absorbed and dries fast, making it more difficult for a dog to lick off. It is also FDA approved and often recommended by veterinarians. It contains Tree Tea Oil, which is soothing to the skin.


Answer by  kittyditty (18)

Betagen topical spray works great for dogs. The dogs don't smell or feel the spray. Their coats don't get oily. It seems to give the dogs relief quick.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Betagen can work on dogs, but it depends on what you want to accomplish with it. Make sure to check with your vet before using any new product on your dog.


Answer by  Jill13 (263)

Betagen topical spray works well for treating bacterial infections and controlling inflammation, and it is relatively easy to use. It should not be used for longer than seven days, and is not effective at treating viral or fungal infections. It may speed up the healing of skin infections, and is usually safe for even those dogs with sensitive skin.

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