


Question by  trswartz (11)

Does barley contain true gluten?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Gluten is in barley. I have never heard of true gluten, but many people do refer to certain food products as being true gluten free products.


Answer by  malpoa (363)

Yes barley contains gluten. Gluten is a term used to say the form of proteins and Hordein is the protein contained in barley. This gluten contain amino acid sequences which are harmful to people with celiac disease.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

There are some traces of gluten in barley which does not affect anything if you have any allegens since it such a small amount.


Answer by  worker2958 (36)

No, barley does not contain gluten in it. it contain, cabohydrates, sugar, protein, fat, deitary fibre, vitamin c, iron, zinc.


Answer by  Mallika (449)

Yes barley is good for urine problems. Its a good medicine for sugar complaints. If there is problem with passing of urine you take this.

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