

Question by  Regu (20)

Does a mutual fund manager need an MBA in Finance?


Answer by  patti (29325)

It depends on the requirements of the employer as well as the experience and background of the candidate. An MBA-Finance would strengthen an application.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

For someone to work their way up to Manager level it's very likely they've got more than an MBA. You can often see the background of managers on the funds website. It will list their education and experience and you can compare the qualifications of managers between funds. Try Oakmark, Fidelity, Vanguard or Franklin for starters.


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

Not necessarily, although an MBA from a top school (such as Harvard) can certainly open a lot of doors. Getting a job as a manager has a lot to do with who you know.


Answer by  Stan (75)

It depends on the employer, but generally no, you don't need an MBA. It all comes down to the employer looking at candidates and determining who can do the job. If your competitor has an MBA but has no experience, you might get the job if you have a ton of experience and a good track record.


Answer by  svdbmitchell (26)

Mutual Fund managers need a strong background in statistics, business, and finance. This background could be demonstrated in a variety of ways, not necessarily only by having completed a Masters degree in business. Much is to be said for on the job, concrete work experience in analyzing current market assets and conditions.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well generally you do want to get your mba in finance. If you have experience in mutual funds otherwise, then you don't need your mba. But to tell you the truth, if you have the m.b.a. that you need then you will get paid more and it will highly reflect on your worth.


Answer by  test19 (36)

yes that is correct because MBA will give him the overall knowledge in the field of finance due to the various courses in finance like accounting, stocks, trading to name a few. Also MBA will give him the overall guidance to manage a mutual fund. Also MBA will teach him to run mutual fund like a business.

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