

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

Do you like the sound of thunder?


Answer by  Dawne (69)

I LOVE the sound of thunder. Growing up, I loved sitting on the porch to watch the lightning and hear the thunder; still one of my favorite things to do.


Answer by  sam72143 (32)

Yes I like the sound of thunder it can be calming and scary and maybe even romantic all at the same time depending on how loud or quiet it is.


Answer by  Jason41 (229)

Actually, I do like the sound of thunder. However, it did used to scare me as a child. Now I like the thunder & to see the lightning.


Answer by  willard (874)

I find the sound of thunder to be foreboding, a sign that ominous forces are at work. Of course, thunder up close is more disturbing, and often unpleasantly loud.

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