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Question by  patti590 (93)

Do they make a stand up doll cake pan?

My daughter is begging for a doll cake.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

Yes, stand up doll cake pans are available from several sources. Wilton is a good manufacturer of cake pans, and they may have one available directly online. Craft stores such as Michaels and Hobby Lobby have extensive collections of cake pans, and there are many specialty cake stores that would have themed pans as well.


Answer by  amydavenport81 (63)

If you are talking about the cakes with a Barbie sticking out of the top then all you need is an oven safe bowl. You bake the cake in the bowl and then invert it onto a plate and stick the Barbie in the top and decorate like you want.


Answer by  CookingSomethingGood (78)

To my knowledge there is not such a cake pan, however; as a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef the only way I could see such a cake working is if it had a higher sugar content and was baked in a silicon mold and was frozen after it was baked to retain its shape during frosting.

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