If I broke my leg on someones property are they liable for my injuries?
Is back leg pain a side effect of a spinal blood patch?
What are some kinds of black flying bugs with a long body and long back legs?
What can I do to help my dog who has hurt his back legs and can not walk?
What could be the cause of droopy skin on the back legs of a cat?
What could be wrong if my kitten cries when I pick her up by her stomach and she cannot move her back legs?
Why is my dachshund hopping on his back legs?
dogs pet health
Question by LessJilly (18)
Is this a bad sign?
Answer by jk34 (61)
It is not normal for rottweilers to have shaky back legs. If your dog develops this it would be a good idea to have it checked by a vet.
Answer by sureshgopalan (38)
No, they do not have shaky back legs. It is better to consult a veterinary doctor as it seems to be dangerous and diseases like brain tumour are not uncommon in rottweilers.
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