Can you keep corn snakes as pets?
Do bearded dragons make good pets?
Do small lizards make good pets?
Do teacup boston terriers make good pets?
Do yellow striped plated lizards make good pets?
Does a small lizard make a good pet?
What is the size of a full grown parakeet?
parenting pets
Question by HarshVardhan (73)
Answer by bubbles99099 (12)
Yes these birds are suitable for children because they tolerate being handled very well. They can bond quite well with their owners, making them wonderful pets for young bird lovers.
Answer by katharine (3981)
It depends. If you child wants a really hands-on pet, a parakeet might not be a good choice because they don't always like being handled.
Answer by MsLizziebug (833)
No, they are much to nervous and fragile. I suggest sticking to a common goldfish or betta fish until the child gets older and more responsible.
Answer by IzziCat (45)
Birds can be unpredictable - making them a little dangerous for a 6-year-old. If the bird is kept caged, then it might be a good "observation" pet.
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