

Question by  Sagebrush (170)

Do I have any rights if my wife moves to another town to live with her mother?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

No you do not if you attacked your wife she can press charges and if you keep pestering her she can get a court order to keep you away.


Answer by  Ed57 (95)

You have the right to date others during an abandonment period, and even to file for divorce if the period of abandonment is long enough to comply with state law.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Sure you do. This is abandoment, unless you are filing for a legal seperation or divorce. She is breaking her marriage contract.


Answer by  gummie (738)

A marriage is supposed to be a unified relationship, but sometimes this is not the case. There is no legal recourse if your wife moves out, unless children are involved.

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