

Question by  Kryslyn (40)

Do female puppies get periods?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Female dogs go into heat, which is when they bleed. They usually go into heat twice a year, and that is the time period in which they can get pregnant. Females usually have their first heat around 6 months. Dogs do not go into heat after being spayed.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Starting after six months of age, but usually closer to a year, a puppy can go into what is called a heat. It's essentially the dog version of the period. They will bleed, have enlarged nipples and enlarged vulva's. Get your dog fixed and she won't do this anymore.


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

No dogs actually have periods - it's a common mistake and people use that term because it's similar to female periods. That said, female puppies at certain months surely can get "periods" - depends which breed or mix they are. Larger dogs grow up in physical terms slower than smaller, but usually it doesn't happen before 5-6 months.


Answer by  Martha98 (39)

Females puppies will usually start to menstruate at between 6 to 12 months old, although in larger dogs this might not be until 2 years. Unlike humans, this will be on a 6 monthly cycle, however, even though the dog is in season, it is not recommended that the dog is breed for at least 3 cycles.

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