


Question by  Vespertine (51)

Do dogs get GERD?


Answer by  negrita046 (78)

Yes, it is possible for dogs to get GERDS. It is very difficult for a vet to actually diagnose it so the owner must look at their pets behavior. Constant vomitting, whining when swallowing, loss of appetite or weight may be symptoms.


Answer by  leann (94)

Dogs can develop GERD. The treatment for GERD in dogs is similar to that of humans, and some of the same medicines are used to control symptoms.


Answer by  Michele85 (188)

Yes, dogs do get Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. A vet should examine your dog to find out if your dog has this. Some dogs may need to take medication


Answer by  11worker (86)

Yes, dogs can actually have gastroesophageal reflux disorder. It is most common in younger dogs, but can occur in dogs of any age. Your pet's behavior may suggest GERD if symptoms such as regurgitation, whimpering and lack of appetite are present. If you are concerned, call a vet.

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