

Question by  Dontbugme (697)

Do dirt daubers sting?


Answer by  Lipgloss (52)

The are not usually aggressive or dangerous towards people unless they are bothered. They do sting their prey, other insects, in order to paralyze them.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

If you are referring to mud daubers, which are the bluish black things that look like wasps, then no, they do not sting. Don't worry; they are completely harmless. Hope this helps.


Answer by  Rathjinngmailcom (234)

Dirt daubers are a type of wasp that build nests out of mud. They typically hunt spiders in which they do sting to subdue their prey.


Answer by  Turkwork (1150)

Dirt daubers are not an aggressive bee like other species of bees. They do not attempt to sting and generally only will sting if they are trapped against human skin. So if you pick them up or somehow get them somehow pressed against your skin then they will sting but they are not aggressive like other bees.

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