


Question by  abhijitsk1 (10)

Do American citizens living abroad have to pay US income tax if they work for an American company?


Answer by  Roger70 (107)

All U.S. citizens are subject to US income tax on their worldwide income regardless of where you are living. Foreign based citizens are also subject to the same domestic income tax return filing requirements. However, there are some tax breaks that might be applicable while living abroad.


Answer by  Jubjub (32)

American citizens living abroad have to pay US income tax on all worldwide income. Therefore, work from an American company, as well as any other companies is taxed. Depending on the previous state of residence, you may also owe some state taxes.


Answer by  DiegosMom (66)

Yes, if you live in another country you are required to file US Federal income tax returns on all of your income. You would not be required to file state income tax because you are not living in any state. You are able to claim a tax credit for taxes paid to another country but still required to file.


Answer by  Att4372 (1704)

Americans living abroad for at least 300 days out of 365 consecutive days can deduct up to $92,000 from overseas earned income. You still have to 1) file a return 2) pay taxes on other income and 3) pay taxes on income above 92,000.


Answer by  OldMrGoober (40)

American citizens living abroad are liable for US income taxes no matter what, regardless of whether they work for a foreign Company, an american firm, or just receive investment income.

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