

Question by  Jenny (23)

Can you tell me how to trim shrub roses?


Answer by  John81 (154)

Look for the new growth on the shrub. You should be able to tell by examining the plant, the lighter colored new growth from the older, darker, more woody growth. Try and keep your trimming above the first joint on any branch. Don't worry about accuracy, roses are hardy.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The same way you trim any other rose in the spring after they green up so you only are taking the dead stuff off not the live plant I have had some of mine 20 years and they are still gorgeous and thats how I do it.


Answer by  praveen02 (33)

Shrub roses can be trimmed by leaving the buddy leaves and the well grown leaves can be shaped equally with the help of trimmers or scissors.


Answer by  Latha (264)

One method is to trim the shrub rose is cut the canes across the plant. These canes are cut same length like 24 or 20 inches. Then take the canes and if you want to put an another plant these canes are very useful.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Trim off all the dead or dying flowers first. Then trim away any brown or pale leaves. Snip the older stems at the Y.

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