

Question by  bojaraju (7)

Can you tell me how to start my own bottled water company?


Answer by  QuestionGirl (146)

You're going to first need to decide what the design of your bottles is going to be, i would also recommend getting a patent on both the name of your desired company as well as the bottle design and "ingredients" such as vitamins, minerals, and what not in your water content.


Answer by  kklein5 (73)

First do some market research and see if there is a demand for bottled water. If there is you would want to learn the tax laws that apply to the business you are in. next you would make a business plan. this will get you started.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

You will need to get food and beverage handling permits. All equipment you purchase must be food grade. If you pull water from a well, it still needs filtration.


Answer by  lexuslady315 (635)

you need a business license first. Then you need a water source. Then you would need to purchase or make bottles. Then a market to distribute them.


Answer by  babylove (655)

You could start by bottling clear purified water from either your fawcet or running stream, giving it a label with a catchy name and asking to have it be sold in a near by convieniant store.

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