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Question by  ovienewvce (25)

Can you help me troubleshoot a full screen video that is not working?

My full screen video is not working.


Answer by  ferfer72 (2623)

I assume you've checked the power cord. You should make sure that the cables hooking up your reception source are plugged into the "input" on the video screen. You may want to try changing out the cables altogether.


Answer by  mani (813)

First you have to set the screen resolution correctly. Then go to the control panel where you will see display screen. You have to activate the second screen Then full screen will work


Answer by  allergictome (69)

It is not possible to help you without knowing what software video or media player application you are using. The problem usually starts with the media player. Even with this information, there are many other different factors to consider, such as the computer, monitor type, video card, media file, operating system, drivers, etc...


Answer by  work (53)

A good option is to close the full screen mode and return to small screen mode. Once you have the video working, try to return to full screen mode again

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