

Question by  MotherOf4 (22)

Can you help me diagnose my dachshunds back problems?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

No. This can only be done by a professional veterinarian who sees your dog in person to catch symptoms you might have missed. Only way to get an accurate diagnosis.


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

Dachshunds are notorious for having back problems because their back is so long. Also making it worse is when the dog is overweight and that causes extra stress on the back. The dog will usually avoid doing much walking or going up stairs which will make the back hurt worse. You will probably will need to see your vet.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Over 80% of dachshunds have back issues from jumping on furniture and sitting up on their back-legs. Have stairs for every couch/bed. Limit running as knee problems are also prominent.


Answer by  amyj (282)

You should see a veterinarian if your dog is having problems with its back. One very common problem with dachshunds is a slipped disk in the back which can cause compression on the spinal cord. Without treatment, permanent damage can result.


Answer by  snappies (579)

Back problems are very common with dachshunds because of their build. Is the dog dragging it's back legs? You should probably go to the vet if the problem seems serious.

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