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Question by  Imtiaz (11)

Can you give me a summary of Wizard's First Rule?

Is it in a series?


Answer by  stoads (5)

Wizard's First Rule is the first book of the series The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. This is a fantasy series in a world of wizards and magic and borderlands.


Answer by  stormbringer1974 (29)

Wizard's First Rule is the first title in a series of novels entitled The Sword of Truth. It was written by popular Fantasy author Terry Goodkind.


Answer by  Colorgirl (73)

Wizard's First Rule is the first book in the very long series by Terry Goodkind called Sword of Truth. This boy Richard obtains a sword with magic powers and goes off to fight the bad guy, only to discover that the bad guy is really his father. He kills his father. The End.


Answer by  dlraska (460)

It is a very action packed book. It takes place in Medieval times and it is where two men take courage to challenge those who hold dominion over lands and people. Richard and Kahlan must take up that challenge or become its victims. Richard fears nothing so much as what secrets his sword might reveal about his own soul.

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