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Question by  Mitz (36)

Can you give me a review of the Sennheiser PXC 300?

It is a folding headset.


Answer by  TheDude87 (7)

It is comfortable enough for long hours of use and just as reliable. The noise cancellation, case and the ability to fold it up make it perfect for travel. The quality is quite durable and the sound is crystal clear. The only flaw is the volume is not that high. Overall, this is a great buy!


Answer by  BronEubanks (18)

The sound quality is very good for its price. The active noise canceling is good, but not perfect. One drawback is that the battery stick can get in the way.


Answer by  BrandonAllin (968)

Durable headset, relatively lightweight, with excellent high quality audio output. Beautiful highs and lows, much like any Sennheiser product. One of the absolute best sets on the market.


Answer by  GeneWeen (120)

An excellent model for studio or everyday applications. These do not cancel noise, but are very effective in quiet environments. I would suggest them to any consumer trhat wants a good deal.

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