
 eating  food


Question by  cherylcm78 (38)

Can you eat raw beets?

If you can eat them raw, what are they good with?


Answer by  flexwheel (171)

If you like raw carrots, you'll probably enjoy raw beets. They're similarly crunchy, and quite tasty. Try them in salads, either cubed or shredded, or cut them into matchsticks to eat as a healthy snack.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

First you would have to wash and peel them. You could put them in a salad but they are hard to chew. Better off cooking them.


Answer by  soapjunkie (581)

Yes, you can eat beets raw, but they taste terrible and can turn your urine red. It's best to boil or even cook them, and then add to salad.

posted by Anonymous
they'll turn your urine red regardless if they're cooked or raw. They taste a tad bitter and sweet at the same time when eaten alone. The bitter taste overshadows the sweet taste, but when eaten with other things they impart a sweet flavor.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
If you think the taste raw is terrible, it's not drastically different cooked... and the bit about red urine? Who are you thinking will see? Just like asparagus supposedly making your urine smell odd... who smells their pee, or admires the color? Flush and be done with it! lol  add a comment

Answer by  GinaD (400)

While most beet recipes require cooked beets in one form or another, such as steamed or roasted beets, I have seen several recipes for raw beet salads. I'd approach beets with caution, though, if your body isn't used to them, because they can have a laxative effect.


Answer by  Anonymous

i grate them over ramen noodles and use the leaves in sandwiches instead of lettuce


Answer by  Anonymous

If you use them raw, remember that they can be tough, so cut them small, salt them, and leave them in a colander to drain for 10 minutes. Usually, though, they're better cooked.


Answer by  Anonymous

I put raw beets in my morning blended drink, with spinach or kale, grapes, cherries, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger...very healthy...try anything you like, it's always good!


Answer by  Anonymous

I grate them raw on top of salads... they add a nice, earthy crunch but with the right additional toppings (hummus, salsa, lemon juice, shredded carrots, etc.), you barely notice them!


Answer by  Anonymous

I like the sweet, earthly taste. I just grated them like chips and ate them raw along with my lunch. yummo!!

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