


Question by  JoshT (20)

Can you drill for oil on a piece of property that you own the mineral rights on?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

While you own the mineral rights, whether or not you can drill depends on state law and local ordinances. For example, your city may ban drilling in its limits. Find out the easement and distance from structure rules for your area before you try to drill.


Answer by  Att4372 (1704)

You might own the minerals, but getting them out could cause problems for your neighbors. You must comply with local zoning laws as well as state and Federal EPA regulations.


Answer by  Jill13 (263)

Yes, you may drill for oil on a piece of property that you own the mineral rights on, so long as doing so would not cause a trespass or violation of any of the property rights of other owners.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will need to go to the property place and see. Or ask a lawyer about it. Think the lawyer could tell you more about it. I don't think you can though.

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