


Question by  finalanswer (27)

Can you break down 1's compliment and 2's compliment to a simple explanation?

My teacher is not very helpful.


Answer by  ThAlEdison (5)

In one's compliment you just invert. 00000110=6 in one's compliment all zeros become ones, vice-versa, 11111001=-6. Two's is more popular because you just add and subtract numbers 00000110 = 6: (1)00000000=0 -00000110=6 ----------- 11111010=-6(twos compliment) +00000110=6 ----------- (1)00000000=0. The quick way is the ones compliment plus 1 -6(ones compliment)=11111001+00000001=11111010=-6(twos compliment)


Answer by  stely000 (5)

If you have a binary number on 4 bit and you want to convert it into 1'scompliment all you need to do is invert all the bits.for the number 0111 one's compliment is 1000. 2'scompliment almost the same thing. You invert all the bits and to subtract 1.

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