

Question by  JDX (133)

Can SSI test you for marijuana?


Answer by  lgk (2426)

Yes, if SSI believes you have a drug abuse issue then they can test you for marijuana or other drugs. This is very uncommon though.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Why yes they can. They are giving you money to live on because you have a disability and cannot work, not to sit there and smoke pot all day. They have the right to test to make sure they are giving money to a worthy person who cannot actually work. If you can smoke all day you can work.

posted by Anonymous
and someone who was disabled couldnt sit and smoke pot all day? gimme a break prohibition of alcohol didnt work and prohibition of weed will end soon enough  add a comment

Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

As I understand it that depends on which state you're in but for the most part they can. They may give certain amounts of leeway for any one who is on prescription marijuana. This would require some one to have a doctor's permission form on them whenever they are out with the substance on their person.


Answer by  Anonymous

They may. Im in CA, on SSI, with a 420 card. I will not take experimeds. I've had to state these things repeatedly. I have never been tested. gl

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